Tuesday, July 27, 2010

My favorite word

But I thought he hated blogging?

Yes. Well, no. But yes. I think it's stupid. What's the point of me writing all this out? Nobody's going to read it. Except for kyle and anna. and maybe a few lurking creeps out there. But now that I've called them out on it, they won't be back anymore. So it's just kyle and anna, really.

Well then, mr know it all, if blogging's so stupid, why are you doing it right now?

There are several answers to that question.

1. It doesn't matter if nobody reads it... it's for me just as much as it is for you

2. I have an insane amount of work to do, and this is a lovely break from it

that's all i got for answers to the question.

anyways, now that i've justified myself for WHY I am blogging, i think i will start blogging.


well, I have been feeling real good lately. Really ever since I got back from Spain. I've just been on the biggest spiritual high... God just doesn't want to let me go it seems. Like the longest and tightest hug of my life.

In light of this, I have come to a few realizations:

1. God is bigger than anything. Obviously we are taught this from day 1 of Christian life, but I have really lived it lately. It's real, it's completely in my face. Something'll happen that makes me sad or upset or discouraged, and maybe for a few hours I'll sulk, but by sunrise God is warming my heart and opening my eyes to the brighter side. And maybe that's realization #2..

2. There is a brighter side. Not just to individual situations like from #1, but to LIFE. There is a way to live life that is shining bright. Living for Him (do we think enough about what that truly means? To live for HIM?). Listening to Him and HEARING him. Bringing Him into every situation. being joyful in Him. Forcing Him into conversations because it would make me anxious not to, because it is way too important not to. Being totally and utterly real with people- one of my goals since 2008. All of these are happening in my life at present, and I LOVE it. I just pray that it continues. His hand is ON me, and I do not want it to go.

#3. I'm unsatisfied by things other than Jesus. Sure, along the way various things have stopped me from chasing God at full speed, but regardless of that I can safely say that I now am running HARD right at Him. And I have seen first hand that things in this world cannot satisfy. For example I was once afraid that if I found myself in a relationship, or even just crushing on a girl, that I would become content to just be with her and stop chasing God full speed. But I now see that this is not the case. Relationships can't satisfy me if they are not based on a driving movement towards God. Or for another example, I used to be afraid that upon my 21st birthday, I would slip back into alcohol and fall away from God a bit. Well, to a certain extent that did happen, but what's far more important is the come back from that. I don't feel the excitement from alcohol anymore, and that's all down to two things 1. God's grace and 2. the undeniable fact that THINGS OF THIS WORLD DO NOT SATISFY.

4. My favorite word is forever.

Forever my love, my heart, my life is Yours.
Forever God is faithful, strong, and with us.
Forever young.
The Son will shine forever.

The list goes on and on (probably forever, lulz). If I were ever to get a tattoo, it would be of a simple cross with the word "Forever" underneath it. Regardless of any hypothetical tattoo, FOREVER is a concept which I have tried to fathom in my life. We can't understand it. Forever. He loves us forever. We will worship Him forever. He has existed forever. When mountains crumble, when the sky turns black, when rivers and the seas dry up, He will endure forever. And we are so lucky to be a part of forever.

Is forever not insane?

Right, well I would love to write more but I have a speech to get to. Perhaps I will take up this blog once more, who knows. In the meantime, you kiddos just sit tight and watch the fireworks.

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