Saturday, January 16, 2010

Revisiting Christmas

I'm thinking more about that really terrible movie we watched on Christmas eve... I think I have figured out what about it was bothering me. Bad jokes don't bother me, so that couldn't be it. Vulgarity is not something that is totally foreign to me... so probably not that either.

I think what was so irritating about that movie was the fact that people are supposed to like that kind of stuff. Two of Hollywood's young hot stars together in a cheesy romcom... sounds good on paper. So when did this type of movie change from, for example, The Wedding Singer or The Princess Bride to The Ugly Truth? When did funny little flirty jokes that are supposed to be funny to women- but I'll admit it I like them too- turn into literally just saying the latest, trendiest dirty words? Oooh, and maybe if we have an old lady say it it'll be even more hysterical!

And people are supposed to like this... people are expected to spend millions to see it opening weekend. Teenagers line up to be told what is cool, and if Hollywood isn't careful, teenagers will start believing that being a vulgar idiot is cool.

(Upon reading that last statement, I am realizing that it probably already is cool.) Well that, my friends, is the ugly truth.